Database design: 1:1 relationship - foreign key
Query: pattern matching

Lesson 4


Suppose you have been asked to manage the check-in system of a hotel. The hotel database stores the basic personal information of each guest but you also want to be able to match each guest to the number of his or her personal identity document.

Conceptual data model: ER

Layer 1 name surname address telephNo PostCode city streetNo street province GUEST type(...) number expiryDate DOCUMENT municipality OWNS 1 1

Logical data model: relational

guest (id, name, surname, street, streetNo, PostCode, city, province, telephNo)

document (id, type, number, expiryDate, municipality, idOspite)


In a relational data model, a 1-to-1 relationship is represented by introducing a foreign key in either one of the relations. The foreign key in a relation refers to the primary key in the other relation.


A foreign key is always underlined with a dotted line.


id name surname street streetNo PostCode city province telephNo
1 Giorgio Feola Modena 82 40100 Bologna BO 3476644551
2 Beatrice Feola Modena 82 40100 Bologna BO 3201597532
3 Michela Zancanella Genova 4 40026 Imola BO 3255666541

id type number data municipality idGuest
4 Identity Card AB 12345667 15/10/2022 Bologna 1
5 Identity Card KK 62456739 19/04/2023 Bologna 2
6 Driving Licence 634839 7/2/2024 Bologna 3

Query - 1

Extract a list composed of surname, name and telephone number in alphabetical order.

select surname, name, telephNo
from guest
order by surname
surname name telephNo
Feola Giorgio 3476644551
Feola Beatrice 3201597532
Zancanella Michela 3255666541

Query - 2

Find a list of the following details for all the guests: surname, name, type of document and number of document.

select surname, name, type, number
from guest, document
where = document.idOspite
surname name type number
Feola Giorgio Identity Card AB 12345667
Feola Beatrice Identity Card KK 62456739
Zancanella Michela Driving Licence 634839

Query - 3

Find name and surname of all the guests who have been registered with their driving licence.

select name, surname
from guest, document
where ( = document.idOspite) and (document.type = "Driving Licence")
name surname
Michela Zancanella

Query - 4

Extract the personal data of all the the members of the Feola family. Find also the expiry date of their documents.

select surname, name, data
from guest, document
where ( = document.idOspite) and (surname= "Feola")
order by data
surname name data
Feola Giorgio 15/10/2022
Feola Beatrice 19/04/2023

Query - 5

Find the personal data and document numbers of all the guests whose surname begins with "Z".

select surname, name, province, type, number
from guest, document
where ( = document.idOspite) and (surname LIKE "Z%")
order by name
surname name province type number
ZancanellaMichelaBODriving Licence634839


Challenge - 1

What table will the query below generate?

select *
from guest, document
where ( = document.idOspite)
order by surname

Challenge - 2

What table will the query below generate?

select distinct document.municipality
from document

Challenge - 3

Create a query which will generate a table comprising the fields surname, name and address for all the guests whose document was released by the municipality of Firenze.

Challenge - 4

Create a query which will generate a table of all the documents stored in the database ordered by type and number. For each document find type, number, expiry date and the name of the bearer.

Challenge - 5

Extract a list of all the documents which are not driving licences.

Challenge - 6

Find the document numbers of all the guests whose first name ends with "o".